Baboo embarked on an ambitious climate path to recover 110% of each traveler’s journey
emissions –a small step to benefiting the environment and community.
During check-out, you will be able to choose one of these vetted projects to help regenerate the planet.
Sumatra, Indonesia
This run-of-river hydroelectricity project harnesses the flow of the Musi River to generate clean energy for the grid. The project supports local jobs, new income streams, and has funded infrastructure improvements – as well as a reforestation program.
Song Chung, Vietnam
The Song Chung Hydropower project harnesses the flowing energy of the river to generate over 60,000 MWh of renewable hydroelectricity each year, helping to bridge the supply-demand gap in Vietnam’s north and boost the country’s growing renewables sector.
The 205 MW capacity bundled solar project comprises five solar power plants. In its initial decade-long crediting period, it will prevent the emission of more than 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 by generating renewable energy for India’s heavily fossil fuel-dominated electricity grid.
By harnessing strong prevailing winds, carefully located wind turbines generate clean electricity for the state grid. The project provides green electricity to support India’s growing economy, and also benefits, such as jobs and infrastructure, to under-developed regions