Agent Profile Setup

A guide to setting up and personalizing the agent's profile.
Agent Profile Setup

Welcome to the Baboo Travel Agent Training Portal. Let’s make your agency profile stand out!

Establishing a holistic and unique agency profile not only gives potential clients a guided understanding of your services but also enhances your online visibility.

Here’s a simple 3-step guide to help you navigate through the setup process.

1. Navigate to Profile Settings

Agent Profile Setup

Start by logging into your account at On your dashboard, find the Account option. This is where you can add or edit your first and last name. We highly recommend changing the password on your first login after registration for added security. You can also add your phone number here for more contact options.

Additionally, take a moment to select your preferred method of communication with the Baboo team. This is to ensure our communications are as convenient and efficient for you as possible.


Agent Profile Setup

Next, on the left side of your dashboard, locate and click on the Advisor Profile. This will allow you to further emphasize your individuality and illustrate your brand effectively.

Start off by adding a high-quality, professional photo as your profile picture. This picture represents the face of your agency, so make sure it’s a good one. Proceed by writing a compelling description of your agency in a way that attracts your target clientele.

In order to provide a realistic understanding of your geographical reach, don’t forget to add your country, city, and store details. If you have professionals designated for specific branches or stores, accurately registering these details will aid in streamlining operations.

Lastly, display your social networks. This will boost your online visibility, maintain a consistent brand image, and also allows clients to see your social engagements.


After you’ve filled all this in, ensure it is accurate and hit the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page. Voila! Your profile setup is complete and ready to attract clients.


Now, your agency profile is more personalized, enabling you to provide a more efficient service to your clients. 

By optimizing your agency’s profile, you are contributing to a better travel experience for your clients. Plus, it enhances visibility and makes your agency more attractive to future clientele.

With Baboo, your agency is not just a service provider, but a responsible partner in creating unforgettable, unique travel experiences for each client. Embrace these steps to move your agency towards success with Baboo Travel.

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Have Questions? We’d love to help.

Really, any question. We are here to help. Always.